This Gene is a MTHFR and Candida is Too

So you know about Candida, but did you know that Candida can directly disrupt methylation? Read on and learn more.

Nearly half of the human population is speculated to suffer from MTHFR gene mutation(s). MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, and is known to contribute to a litany of issues in the human body by elevating homocysteine in the blood when there are mutations of the gene. One can have the MTHFR gene and have almost no problems at all with no associative genetic variants (variants are essentially another way of saying mutations); this would apply to the majority of the population. However, some do have either heterozygous MTHFR, or homozygous MTHFR which is where problems have been observed; the ladder being most problematic.

How to recognize MTHFR manifesting as health issues:

Recognizing the manifestations of MTHFR gene mutations in terms of health issues requires awareness and observation. Certain symptoms and conditions may indicate the potential influence of MTHFR variants.

More serious less common symptoms:
  • Disruption of ocular (eye) health
  • Abnormal blood clotting
  • Skeletal abnormality
  • Hindered learning ability
Common symptoms:
  • Mental health issues (schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • Nervous system pain
  • Circulatory system issues (the bloodstream/cardiovascular system)
  • Miscarriages
  • Migraines

MTHFR Gene Variants

Each person has two MTHFR genes, one from the mother, and the other from the father. If the individual has only one variant/mutation on one of the inherited genes, it’s heterozygous. If there are two, it is homozygous. Heterozygous mutations have shown to have less association with disease as compared to homozygous variants[1].

The two main variants:

  • C677T is the most commonly associated with 3,604 populated results on PubMed.
  • A1298C is second to C677T with 1,232 results on PubMed.

The largest difference between these two gene positions is that they generally seem to affect people based on their born ethnicity. C677T is more prevalent with those of Hispanic origin, with some being Caucasian[2], where A1298C has been observed more so from those of Irish heritage[3].

It Isn’t Just About the Gene Mutations

As it turns out, the opportunistic yeast known as Candida is implicated in disrupting the methylation cycle with its excretions (poo). I don’t know about you, but I have enough of a problem stepping in dog feces, let alone having it floating around in my body.

Candida is normally good for the body in that it produces more Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) through the fermentation of sugars[4]; in other words, microscopic feces that’s good for you, kind of like turkey baster guy’s idea, but as a postbiotic. NAD is essential to life, so essential that we can live much longer lives if we hold and produce a plentiful supply[5].

Here’s the Problem With Candida…

When we continually eat diets that produce a lot of sugar and perpetuate this process two or three times a day for years on end while experiencing acute life stressors or taking antibiotics, there is no surprise that we empower the pathogenesis of this yeast. In many cases it can end up drilling into the bloodstream from the GIT and is speculated to be the source of leaky gut syndrome (LGS). When there, it is often directly associated with numerous autoimmune diseases[6].

So instead of getting some good ol’ life-extending NAD/NAD+ from our little yeast buddy, those of us who have created a yeast beast like C. albicans are constantly having aldehydes and alcohols pumped into our system[7] and disrupting the methylation cycle, particularly in the catecholamine pathways. This is so problematic that it can shut down proper utilization of glutathione. Glutathione is a critical antioxidant necessary for optimal health.

The Magnesium Debacle…

Magnesium deficiencies are also a big factor with the disruption of our methylation cycle. We already know from our oxalate article that having a yeast infection can mean further production of oxalate that strips us of minerals like magnesium. However, we are now clearly seeing a pattern here as to why so many of us are deficient. Magnesium can be stripped in large amounts due to the production of acetaldehyde[8] via Candida yeast fermentation.

“It’s worth noting the metabolic effects that excess acetaldehyde (AH) has on both the health of our Red Blood Cells, as well as the health of our gut. These are powerful impacts that affect access to Oxygen throughout the body, energy metabolism (lack of B1 & B3), Brain function (lack of B5), as well as the function of our Adrenal Glands (lack of B5), which then affects our ability to respond to “Stress!” — only intensifying our loss of Magnesium.”

As mentioned above, let’s not forget about the fact that being nutritionally sound will help us retain our magnesium.

But Why?

Think ‘root cause.’ We at Gut Goals LLC specifically target these issues and guide individuals into removing them so to allow the self-regulating human system to heal itself. These methylation pathways would be far more optimal with almost no issue if we were to just remove infections like mucocutaneous candida.

Everything regarding disease within the human body is always multifactorial. However, many multifactorial disease states can be rectified by removing just one root cause of the vastly complex issue.

What to Do?

Generally, everyone has their own opinion regarding how to handle MTHFR, and many seem to have a hard time digesting animal products when they have serious mutations like homozygous MTHFR or blood type-A. However, we at Gut Goals start with these factors regarding MTHFR:

#1 Nutritional Deficiencies

“[MS] Enzymes do not work well if they: 1) lack the active substrate such as methylfolate (Vit-B9), 2) lack cofactors such as methylcobalamin (Vit-B12), and 3) are exposed to inhibiting compounds such as heavy metals, solvents, chemicals, and toxins.”

B vitamins are absolute here, and it doesn’t stop there, we also need to keep up with our magnesium levels or suffer a large loss due to the aldehydes produced by candida that degrades our supply of this crucial mineral.

  • Eat meat, and cook it as little as possible so to maximize water soluble B vitamin retention.
  • Supplement where necessary, but never in excess. Think desiccated organs before anything else.
  • Avoid foods that produce more candida and parasites so to retain more nutrition.

#2 Regulate Candida

There is no question that the toxic metabolites that Candida produces are disrupting our methylation cycle, and so it is imperative to stall and mitigate this root cause, despite how helpful it once was prior to its evolutionary pathogenesis. Here are some tips:

  • Achieving optimal nutrition is crucial for addressing MTHFR-related problems. Adequate intake of B vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants is essential for comprehensive health and effective resolution of the issue using natural approaches.
  • Consider incorporating fasting into your routine to promote the production of natural NAD and facilitate the removal of pathogens within your cells through autophagy. This approach helps starve infections and supports the replenishment of white blood cells (WBCs), which are vital in combating MTHFR-related challenges. By taking these steps, you can prevent candida from hiding through its ability to alter its appearance and DNA.
  • When using natural antifungals to target candida, it’s important to administer them strategically to catch the yeast off guard. Be aware that candida can exhibit “antigenic escape,” which means it can develop resistance to antifungal treatments.
  • To suppress pathogens effectively, adopt a low-carb diet. Low-carb eating plans reduce sugar intake and provide immune-boosting nutrients that are not commonly found in plant-based diets. These nutrients include vitamin A retinol, high sulfur/low nitrogen (which can be converted to ammonia by candida), support for proper vitamin D synthesis (as candida overgrowth can hinder this process in high plant-based diets), heme iron for healthy blood, non-toxic omega-3 fatty acids, and EPA/DHA for immune cell support. By focusing on these dietary strategies, you can effectively promote pathogen suppression and support your overall health in the presence of MTHFR gene mutations.

#3 Enjoy The Journey

Literally by eating well and punching Candida in the gut, our mood can stabilize and even produce enough serotonin to get us to a place of ‘zen’ and inner peace. Many times over it has been shown, not just with the study I’m about to cite, that being in a stressful state of mind our micronutrients can become compromised[9], so it is imperative to really treat ourselves when trying to treat ourselves.


MTHFR is a vastly complex multifactorial problem that spans into epidemiology, microbiology, chemistry, and metabolic sciences, but all we really need to focus on are the root cause issues that are stirring the pot. It’s really just that simple, as the body will heal itself when given the right nutrition while suppressing pathogens.

So while eating restrictively while dealing with ‘herx’ reactions from Candida die-off is tough, especially when family and friends are continuing to eat like your average Joe, our bodily health is the foundation to living a happy and full life. Embrace this with conviction and everyone around us can have more respect for us and our path to health.

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